About Us

Outdoor IQ (OIQ) books are published by Miami Valley Outdoor Media which is a small independent publisher in Ohio dedicated to providing high quality, kid-friendly educational books about the outdoors. The founders of Miami Valley Outdoor Media and the authors of the OIQ books are two brothers, Dave and Steve Shellhaas, who are avid outdoors enthusiasts with children of their own. Wanting interesting and educational resources to help introduce and excite their children to hunting and fishing, they have set out to create educational books and products for children and youth about hunting, fishing and the outdoors.

Dave even shares and teaches the outdoors when he goes on mission trips to Guatemala.

Understanding the future impact of recent studies showing a decline in kids hunting and fishing, Miami Valley Outdoor Media also wants to do their part in helping to preserve the great outdoor activities of hunting and fishing. If our children are not given the opportunity to be introduced to the outdoors in a fun, exciting way, these great outdoor traditions may be lost forever. Dave and Steve are available to speak at game dinners or banquets to share their insights about engaging children and youth in the outdoors. Feel free to contact us if you would like to schedule a speaking engagement.

Thanks for checking us out and may God bless.

Proverbs 22:6